söndag 2 november 2008

Dylan med vänner..Dylan with friends..

is it a Polar bear behind the Deerhound ;)

tisdag 8 juli 2008

6 månader

I let the picture speak for them self..:D

lördag 3 maj 2008

4 months old

Like his big sister "My" he looks to be in to BIG sticks..
And his ears are as puppy-like as his brother and sisters.
But what a beauty!! :D

lördag 12 april 2008

Dylan 3 months old

Dylan in his home..

Pictures taken between the 1:th and 7:th of March..

söndag 2 mars 2008

At home..

Finally at his new home in Germany. Thank you for the lovely pictures, and I´m sure there are more to come;) Now is the time to just enjoy the little monster, and have in mind- They do grow up;)

söndag 17 februari 2008

17 January

fredag 8 februari 2008

6 weeks

fredag 1 februari 2008

5 weeks

lördag 26 januari 2008

1 month

måndag 14 januari 2008

17 days

Still on shaky legs, but next week...I´ll show you! :D

onsdag 9 januari 2008

12 days

I hope they will have long beautiful necks when they grow up, but maybe not this proportion, or..;)

fredag 4 januari 2008

1 week old